Understanding Real Estate

Ready To Buy A Home? A Few Things You Should Know

If you have gotten to the point in your life where you want to buy a home, you are probably chomping at the bit to get it done. You envision yourself in a place that fits your life and designer style perfectly. You start looking in the newspaper and online for homes to buy, and may have even contacted a real estate agent. While this is all fun and exciting, there are a few things you should keep in mind once you start the process.

Time of Year

The fall is the biggest season for home to go on the market. While this means there will be more available for you to look at, it is not the best time to buy. Wait until winter to start putting in bids. Sellers are starting to worry that their home will never sell and are more willing to make a deal and take a lower price. Do a bit of looking around in the fall; this will get you a better idea of what you can get for the amount of loan you want, but don't buy yet.


You have probably heard from everyone to make sure you have your finances in order before attempting to buy a home. So if you have just gotten your credit score where it needs to be, don't take advantage of this and buy a new car or make other big purchases. Even if the payment is going to be the same as the one you have now, the hit to your credit report may be a problem. In addition, if you will be moving in the near future, you may want to buy a few new things for the house. Save any expendable income for after the move.


Once you do start looking at homes, don't get all caught up in the colors and textures of the place. Remember, you are buying it, not renting, you can make any changes you want. While major improvements may not be feasible due to money constraints, buying some paint is always inexpensive and can make a huge difference to the place.

Make sure you give yourself time to look around a bit before your current lease is up. House hunting can be a lot of fun when you are not in a big hurry. See as many homes as possible before placing a bid. Hopefully, you will find a place that fits in with your vision and you can be all moved and ready for spring. For more information, check with a company like RE/MAX ORANGE COUNTY EAST